Is there a dress code?
Yes, there is a dress code which is clearly laid-out in the handbook that each student receives.
How do the lunches work?
Students can purchase breakfast in the mornings and lunch at the scheduled time for their class. At the beginning of the month, the students are given a menu that shows what will be served on each day and the prices for each item.
Are their any foreign languages offered?
We offer Spanish I and Spanish II.
Is there a sports program?
We offer soccer, volleyball, basketball, softball and baseball.
What type of enrollment do you have?
We have an open enrollment policy which means you do not have to attend New Manna Baptist Church in order to attend the school. However, each applicant is interviewed in-person and the final decision for admittance is made by the administration.
What is the relationship of the church to the school?
New Manna Christian School is owned and operated by New Manna Baptist Church. Therefore, the beliefs and standards of the church also have an influence on the school. Some of the faculty and staff attend New Manna, but not all.
How much does it cost to attend New Manna Christian School?
Because of the fact that tuition, books and other fees may change from year to year, we ask that you call the school office to inquire about the cost.
How much Bible are the students taught?
Every elementary student gets a Bible lesson each day. 7th through 12th grades have Bible class during 1st period every day except on Wednesdays; these are chapel days. Elementary students (K3 through 6th grades) have chapel at 9:30 a.m. and 7th through 12th grades attend chapel services at 11:00 a.m.
How do students find out about cancellations due to weather?
As with the public school system, we attempt to notify the local radio and TV stations. However, we also depend upon systems we have in place to contact our students and their families. We utilize an automated phone system that will call each student's designated number(s) simultaneously to inform them of cancellations or delays.
Are all employees Christians?
ALL employees and volunteers at New Manna Christian School are Christians and attend church regularly and are actively involved where they worship. We employ only those individuals that have professed Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and that are striving to follow his example in their daily lives and their personal relationship with Him. Some are Sunday School teachers, church musicians, pastor's wives, preachers, and even the Pastor of New Manna Baptist, but all are saved and influencing your child's life to serve the Lord.
Is there a limit to the number of students that can be enrolled for the year or in a particular class?
No. We attempt to accommodate all students that choose to enroll in Christian school. Generally, the lower grades have more students than the higher grades, but we work to fulfill the desires of all for a Christian education environment.
What version of the Bible is used?
The King James Version (KJV) of the Bible is exclusively used at New Manna Christian School as well as at our parent church, New Manna Baptist. We make no apologies for the stance we take on God's Word; however, we are fully aware that all Christians do not share our same views. In our classrooms and in all activities, only those scriptures from the KJV will be used. We teach the history of and the reasoning for believing that the KJV is the Bible for the English speaking language that God has ordained and blessed since its translation in 1611. Other translations being descendants from erred texts, we believe they are not the infallible, inerrant, inspired Word of God preserved for us. We will not try to confuse any student whose family holds a different opinion, yet we will insist that inside the bounds of the education and classwork of New Manna Christian School, only the KJV is to be used.